Statistics for South West Slammers playing in SBL Men 2011

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A Fimmano 25 392 26-66 39.39 5-23 21.74 8-12 66.67 18 65 1.88 1.08 2.6
B Hawkins 11 205 16-51 31.37 4-21 19.05 6-9 66.67 36 42 2.82 0.91 3.82
C Richardson 23 681 56-182 30.77 30-113 26.55 33-49 67.35 61 175 3.17 2.52 7.61
D Ness 1 5 0-0 0-0 0-0
J V Bavel 3 4 0-2 0-1 0-0
J Smith 16 311 26-88 29.55 0-10 10-17 58.82 43 62 2.94 0.44 3.88
J Paull 18 513 58-120 48.33 8-19 42.11 37-53 69.81 41 161 4.72 1.67 8.94
J Keller 9 21 0-2 0-2 0-0 2 0.11 0.11
J Hickert 2 65 8-20 40 4-10 40 2-2 100 2 22 6.5 2 11
J Branchi 1 4 0-0 0-0 0-0 1
J Weir 13 320 30-73 41.1 3-14 21.43 8-10 80 26 71 4 1.77 5.46
M Smith 26 940 142-348 40.8 34-78 43.59 69-102 67.65 75 387 8.46 1.31 14.88
N V Dijk 17 367 21-69 30.43 11-38 28.95 19-23 82.61 32 72 2.24 1.12 4.24
N Freer 25 1049 215-506 42.49 42-132 31.82 184-233 78.97 83 656 5.88 2.84 26.24
R Glanvill 20 65 1-13 7.69 1-3 33.33 3-8 37.5 7 6 0.45 0.15 0.3
S Fotu 18 264 9-36 25 6-27 22.22 2-6 33.33 39 26 0.72 1.72 1.44
T Worthington 21 574 79-221 35.75 11-49 22.45 48-88 54.55 82 217 5.71 2.48 10.33
T Hickert 14 411 62-139 44.6 6-20 30 26-44 59.09 34 156 6.5 0.71 11.14

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